
On Windows and MacOS, after download, you can click to start the installation.

On Ubuntu, right-click to the.AppImage file and set permission to be executed, if this is your first time, you should get more details at

Basic setup

Tinker 2 needs some basic setup for the first time


Tinker 2 only connects to your server using SSH via ssh client and scp. You should check if they're already installed on your computer or not to make Tinker 2 run correctly.

Ensure you installed them (example result on MacOs and Ubuntu)

which ssh

which scp

If you still using a password to connect your server, you should add your public key to the server, check this article


Type your code in the Input editor (which should be on the left or above of two editors), then click Play icon on the sidebar, or using hotkey Ctr+Enter or Cmd+Enter to execute.

Tinker with local project